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Spiritual Formation

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Our Mission

The mission of the Spiritual Formation ministry at Dallas Theological Seminary is helping servant-leaders pursue Christlikeness. Our ministry exists to glorify God and make disciples by providing a relational context and biblical curriculum to help servant-leaders:
  • Explore the topics of Identity, Community, Integrity, and Fidelity,
  • Experience transformation (growth in Christlikeness), and
  • Participate in the Spirit’s transformation of others.


At our Campus sites, Spiritual Formation groups of four to five students gather weekly for two consecutive fall and spring semesters. Our distance students work with a self-selected mentor to complete the same SF curriculum. Through this curriculum, students pray, reflect on biblical truth, examine their hearts, share and respond. As students grow together in Spiritual maturity and Christlike character, the potential for significant relationships and ministry partnerships is established.

Goals & Measures

The Spiritual Formation program is designed to help facilitate students’ growth in four areas:

  • Knowing God,
  • Knowing self,
  • Loving well, and
  • Longing for more of God’s transforming work in their lives.


SF5100-1 Identity & Community
The first module, Identity, is designed to help students discover their identity in Christ as well as their unique identity (e.g., temperament, spiritual gifts, heritage). Students explore how their identity affects the way in which they live and serve. Here, the student asks, “Who am I? Where do I come from?” “How will my life look different because I am a follower of Christ?” Students write and share a paper on the theological and biblical foundations of identity, with an emphasis on the personal implications of what it means to be “in Christ.” The second module, Community, focuses on who we are together. Students explore the various ways in which God has worked in their individual lives, identifying those relationships and experiences that have been particularly formative. Here the student asks, “How has God authored my life?” “Who are we as the body of Christ?” Community and trust develop as each student shares their Life Story.
SF5100-2 Integrity & Fidelity
In the third module, Integrity, students identify individual areas of struggle and how God fosters and enables change in our lives. Students find encouragement and support in sharing their struggles and failures with a caring group of fellow-travelers, their SF group. They practice spiritual disciplines that will deepen their dependence on God’s Spirit. Here the student asks, “In what areas do I need to grow?” “How can I yield to the Spirit’s transformative work in my life?” “How can we support one another?” In the fourth module, Fidelity, students explore where and how they might serve others in the name of Christ. As each student shares their Life Vision presentation, the group provides encouragement, feedback, and direction. Here, the student asks, “What is my purpose or calling?” “Considering my identity, story, and gifts, what are some potential ministry roles or destinations?” “What steps do I need to take to prepare for these possibilities?”

Frequently Asked Questions


How long is the SF program?

The Spiritual Formation (SF5100) program is one year starting in the fall and finishing in the spring semester. We recommend students begin Spiritual Formation early in their degree program.

Can I start SF in the spring or summer?

Spiritual Formation groups begin in the fall semester ONLY.

Dallas, Houston, Washington, DC and Atlanta SF Students

What is the time commitment for participating in a SF group?

Dallas, Houston, & Fort Worth: SF groups meet for 1.5–2 hours each week. Group members spend about 1-2 hours per week in preparation for each group session. In addition, many groups plan additional social gatherings or service projects.
Washington, DC & Atlanta: SF groups on these campuses have a different schedule. Contact the campus coordinator for details.

Will I stay in the same group each semester?

Yes, students continue with the same SF group for the entire year.

When do SF groups meet?

Dallas: SF groups meet on various days and at different times throughout the week. Check the Course Schedule for specifics.

Houston: SF groups typically meet on campus prior to class from 4:30–5:45 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

Washington, DC, Atlanta, & Fort Worth: SF groups meet every week around the region.