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DTS Online

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You don’t have to uproot to attend seminary. DTS has fully online programs designed to immerse you in the Gospel story in all 66 books of the Bible and prepare you to serve wherever God calls you.

Community Events

Online and Distance Education Team
For questions about Canvas, please email us at coursemanagement@dts.edu

Fall 2024 Online Student Community Events

Date Event

Fri, 8/23, 12-1:30pm


Sat, 8/24, 10-11:30am

NOSO Recording

“New Online Student Orientation?

The Online department is excited to welcome you to your first semester at Dallas Theological Seminary and begin one of the greatest adventures of your life! Please join us as we orientate you to the online community and provide you with some key strategies on how to thrive in an online environment.

Wed, 9/25, 7-8 pm CST


Thurs, 9/26, 12-1 pm CST

Meeting Link

“Know Your Online Professors”

Join us for this fun online community event designed to connect and encourage one another, learn some fun facts about your online professors with a little trivia, and maybe even win an Amazon gift card…

Wed, 10/16, 7-8 pm CST


Thurs, 10/17, 12-1 pm CST

Meeting Link

“The Financial Aid Toolbox”

Like most students, our seminary journey is often funded from multiple sources. We invite you to join us as Mrs. Jennifer McCormick, Director of Financial Aid, and her team discuss the different financial aid and scholarships available to you in your Financial Aid Toolbox.

Wed, 11/6,  7-8 pm CST


Thurs, 11/14, 12-1 pm CST

Meeting Link

“Meet the President”

Join us for a meet and greet with the President of Dallas Theological Seminary, Dr. Mark Yarbrough. Dr. Yarbrough will provide updates on the most recent and upcoming events at DTS, followed by a time of Q&A.

Questions? Contact Jason Wiesepape (jwiesepape@dts.edu) or Heather Severding (hseverding@dts.edu).

Student Stories

Students from all over the world
Some of our online students came to Dallas to tell their stories. Here’s what they said.