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MA in Counseling (MAC)

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Integrating biblical principles with best-practices in psychology for church, or private licensed counseling practices.

Degree Overview

Total Hours 90 credit hours
Degree Time Limit 7 years from first DTS class
Real-time courses 10 courses required (i.e. 30 credit hours)
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) 13 credit hours per academic year


  1. Refer to the degree plan for your entering catalog as an overall guide.
  2. Register for core courses: CM5201, CM5210, CM5220, CM5225, CM5230, BE5101, ST5101, PM5101, and CM5300.
  3. How do non-CM courses (ex. BE5101) get reduced from 3-hours to 2-hours?
    • Students in the MAC program should automatically be registered to take the course for two hours upon initial registration. However, it is the student’s responsibility to verify that their hours and schedule are correct.
    • If students have questions about their schedule or need to have their hours adjusted, they should email the Registrar’s Office with their student ID#, course number and section to:
  4. Familiarize yourself with the DTS Writing Center for various tools and links to assist with your courses.
  5. Meet with an academic advisor to discuss:
    • What led you to DTS
    • Understand prerequisites and timing of BE/ST courses
    • When, where, and what courses to take in Real-time in the coming semesters. (See the Real-Time Courses chart for more information.)
  6. To move from MAC Stage 1 to Stage 2, students must have:
    • Satisfactory completion of 24 credit hours of coursework, including CM5300 Professional Skills and Ethics.
    • This process normally occurs after a student’s third semester in the program. (Students who are attending part-time will typically be delayed in progressing to Stage 2.)
    • Interview with the department faculty to help determine the student’s appropriate fit for the counseling profession.

How do I select counseling electives?

Students are encouraged to work closely with the Counseling Ministries (CM) department on selecting electives based upon the student’s intended specialization and licensure requirements. Academic advisors are also available to help but with more limited knowledge regarding licensure requirements for states or other counseling specializations.

Can I transfer counseling courses?

Students may transfer no more than 15 hours of counseling courses but this is subject to the Counseling Ministries department’s prior approval using the MAC Transfer form. If students plan to transfer a course(s), then they should do so earlier in their program. Transferring courses during a student’s final year may delay graduation and licensure exam date. Other information about transfer credit is found on the Registrar’s Office page.

When should I take Practicum courses?

Students should take Practicum courses when they have (1) met the prerequisites and (2) have an approved Practicum site that will help them develop as a counselor. Space is limited in Practicum courses, so students should make sure to register for Practicum courses as soon as possible during registration for that semester. 

What are prerequisites for counseling or other courses?

Students should review their plan with an Academic Advisor each year as prerequisites can change. Below are prerequisites or corequisites that students should keep in mind as they plan. Course availability may vary from the Dallas, Houston, and DC campus, so students should review the schedule page and clarify questions with their academic advisor. 

*The Practicum numbers below reflect students who began CM5300 Professional Skills and Ethics in Fall 2020 or later.

 Course NumberPrerequisite
(Completed Prior to Enrolling)
(Taken at the same time or previously completed)
CM5201 Theological and Psychological Foundations All CM52** courses (recommended) 
CM5220 Counseling Methods and TechniquesCM5210 Counseling Theory 
CM5300 Professional Skills and EthicsCM5210 Counseling Theory 
CM5305 Counseling Practicum 

– CM5215 Normal Human Growth

– CM5300 Professional Skills and Ethics

– CM5220 Counseling Methods

– CM5225 Abnormal Human Behavior

CM5310 Counseling Internship ICM5305 Counseling Practicum  
CM5315 Counseling Internship IICM5310 Internship I 
ST5106 EschatologyST5101-105 
Counseling Electives
CM5410 Filial TherapyCM5405 Introduction to Play Therapy 
CM5415 Group Play Activity TherapyCM5405 Introduction to Play Therapy 
CM5615 Basic Issues in Sex TherapyCM5605 Human Sexuality 

What is required for Graduation?

  1. Students must apply to Graduate in the Student Portal. The Graduation Information page contains the key dates and links to many graduation related items.
  2. Confirm the Graduation Date listed in the system corresponds to your plan with your Academic Advisor and/or Registrar’s Office. 
  3. Review/Confirm upcoming semester plans with an academic advisor to ensure all degree requirements are met.


To practice as a clinical mental health counselor, a person must hold the relevant license from the state in which the person plans to practice counseling.  Earning a master’s degree in counseling does not enable a person to practice as a mental health counselor. 


Students desiring to pursue a license in a state other than Texas, should consult that state’s licensing board requirements. Licensing rules and regulations can be found on a state’s licensing board website. It is the individual responsibility of all students to ensure they know their state’s specific licensing requirements, rules, and regulations. Should a student determine the state in which the student intends to pursue licensure has different requirements than the DTS counseling curriculum offers, minor program modifications, with approval from the counseling ministries department, may be made to satisfy some state licensing board requirements. The National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) website maintains a list of links or resources to help students find information related to the licensure process or state requirements:


All additional questions concerning the MAC program and qualifications for professional licensure should be directed to the Department of Counseling Ministries.

Dallas Location: Walvoord Student Center – 3rd Floor

Phone: 214-887-5075


The following FAQ represents the current guidelines and guidance to assist students in making informed decisions about the MAC degree. Additional questions will be added to this list. Below the FAQ is a Town Hall meeting with Dr. Salwen and Dr. Thacker in early August 2024. 

Who is the MAC degree designed for? What degree options are within the Counseling Ministries Department?

The MA in Counseling (MAC) is designed for students pursuing licensure to serve as a clinical mental health counselor. The MAC degree meets LPC licensing board requirements in the state of Texas and many other states. Whereas clinical mental health counselors in Texas are designated as Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC), other states use different titles to describe a licensed mental health professional. It is the student’s responsibility to research the licensure requirements in the state for which they intend to be licensed. 


The MA in Counseling Ministries (MACO) is designed to equip students with foundational counseling skills for serving in a variety of non-licensure and non-clinical counseling settings, such as churches and parachurch ministries.


The MA in Chaplaincy and Ministry Care (MACP) is designed to equip students to serve in military, hospital, or corporate chaplain settings by meeting the initial degree requirements for those respective ministry settings. Chaplains often receive additional, specific training for serving in hospitals (CPE) or military chaplain training after degree completion or concurrent with their DTS degree courses.






Meets Licensure Requirements




Total Credit Hours




Because the MAC program extends nationally, DTS wants to best position MAC graduates to meet state licensing board requirements across the U.S. As more states consolidate their accreditation requirements to be consistent with CACREP accreditation standards, CACREP accreditation will allow DTS graduates to more easily meet various state licensing board requirements. As of July 2024, states that currently require CACREP accreditation to apply for licensure are Ohio, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina. Starting July 1, 2025, Florida will also require students to complete a CACREP accredited program to apply for licensure.



CACREP accreditation is a multi-year process.  As such, DTS cannot confirm a timeline for when CACREP accreditation will be achieved. Students who intend to apply for licensure in a state that requires applicant’s hold a CACREP accredited master’s degree need to evaluate their options and consider alternative counseling programs until the time that DTS completes the CACREP accreditation process.

The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) is an accreditation organization that outlines the requirements and standards for graduate level counseling programs. In the US, there are both institutional and specialized accreditations. DTS is institutionally accredited, both regionally (SACSCOC) and nationally (ATS), by accrediting organizations that review the entire institution. CACREP is a specialized, program specific accreditation evaluating counseling related programs. CACREP accreditation is not a certification awarded to individual students. Becoming CACREP accredited would allow graduates from DTS the option to pursue licensure in states that require CACREP accreditation.    

To practice as a clinical mental health counselor, a person must hold the relevant license from the state in which the person plans to practice counseling.  Earning a master’s degree in counseling does not enable a person to practice as a mental health counselor. As of July 2024, states that currently require CACREP accreditation to apply for licensure are Ohio, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina. Starting July 1, 2025, Florida will also require students to complete a CACREP accredited program to apply for licensure.


Students desiring to pursue a license in a state other than Texas, should consult that state’s licensing board requirements. Licensing rules and regulations can be found on a state’s licensing board website. It is the individual responsibility of all students to ensure they know their state’s specific licensing requirements, rules, and regulations. Should a student determine the state in which the student intends to pursue licensure has different requirements than the DTS counseling curriculum offers, minor program modifications, with approval from the counseling ministries department, may be made to satisfy some state licensing board requirements.


The National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) website maintains a list of links or resources to help students find information related to the licensure process or state requirements:


All additional questions concerning the MAC program and qualifications for professional licensure should be directed to the Department of Counseling Ministries.

Students enrolling in the MAC degree in Fall 2024 should only enroll in courses outside of the Counseling Department. Do not take any counseling course rotation classes prior to Spring 2025 for the CACREP MAC program.  A Fall 2024 schedule would look something like this:

  • BE5101
  • BE5102
  • ST5101
  • PM5101

Students who started the MAC program prior to Fall 2024 are considered under the MAC Teach Out Program. Teach Out MAC program students will enroll in their remaining CM courses and complete all degree requirements outlined in the DTS catalog. MAC Teach Out program students may enroll in counseling courses (CM) in any course modality or section (on-campus, video conference, OL-asynchronous, etc.).


Students should always check licensure requirements of the state they intend to pursue licensure in to ensure the MAC degree will meet the initial requirements for pursuing licensure. We highly recommend that current MAC students, who are not planning to pursue licensure in a state requiring CACREP (such as Texas), remain under the current MAC Teach Out Program.

The MAC teach out program refers to the original MAC degree pathway that is not pursuing CACREP accreditation.  Students in the MAC teach out program started the MAC program prior to Spring 2025.  The teach out program is a 90-hour degree program that prepares students to apply for licensure as a professional counselor.  The teach out program aligns with academic standards required to apply for a LPC-Associate license in Texas. 

The Counseling Ministries department will teach CM courses through Summer 2028 for students under the MAC Teach Out Program. Students should prioritize and complete their CM courses by Summer 2028. The BE, ST, and PM5101 courses will be offered beyond Summer 2028 if students need to prioritize CM courses and delay taking BE, ST, and PM5101.  MAC Teach Out program students may complete their degree after Summer 2028, as long as all CM courses are completed by that date, and the student is within the seven year timeline for completing the MAC degree.

It is highly recommended that students who began their course of study prior to Fall 2024, and who plan to pursue licensure in a state that does not require CACREP accreditation for licensure, remain in the current Teach Out MAC program. Students who have taken CM or BC prefixed classes, will likely be required to retake those courses under the new CACREP course standards. Only students who matriculated in 2024 (Spring 2024 or Summer 2024) and completed only one, 3 credit hour CM course are allowed to request inclusion in the new MAC pathway that is pursuing CACREP accreditation.

Yes. Students who previously completed CM or BC prefixed courses will be required (beginning Spring 2025) to enter under new MAC pathway that is pursuing CACREP accreditation, which will likely necessitate retaking any previously completed counseling courses.

Beginning Spring 2025, the MAC will follow a cohort model with a prescribed timeline and rotation of counseling courses. Counseling courses under the CACREP requirements will be identified by the course code CC (Clinical Counseling). Students in the CACREP program will only be permitted to take counseling courses (CC) at the campus for which they were approved at the time of admission. The two campus locations for MAC CACREP students to choose are:


  • On-campus in Dallas (Sections: DAL)
  • Online: asynchronous/pre-recorded (Sections: OL)

MAC CACREP students can enroll in BE, ST, or PM5101 courses at any DTS location or section. However, the counseling courses (CC) are required to be taken at the campus for which the student was approved to enroll. Students who enroll in the on-campus Dallas CACREP MAC are required to be in person for all counseling classes. Students who enroll in the online CACREP MAC are required to take all counseling classes in the online asynchronous format. Regardless of a student’s assigned campus and as part of CACREP program requirements, all MAC students must attend, in person, two separate residency weeks in Summer 1 (CC5230) and in Summer 2 (CC5300) on the Dallas campus.


As part of accreditation standards, students under new MAC pathway that is pursuing CACREP accreditation will be required to complete more hours (total: 700) in the Practicum/Internship courses (CC5310 & CC5315) than students in the MAC Teach Out Program (total: 300). Additionally, students in the new MAC pathway that is pursuing CACREP accreditation will be required to purchase a subscription of Supervision Assist during CC5300.


Students may take a maximum of two CC courses in the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. Students are required to follow the specified counseling course rotation and remain in sequence with the cohort. Students may choose to follow the suggested BE/ST/PM course rotation or may alter the rotation of BE/ST/PM courses.

The Counseling Compact is an interstate contract among participating compact states.  The counseling compact allows, licensed counselors practicing and residing in a compact state, to practice counseling in other compact states without the need for multiple state licenses.  The counseling compact allows counselors greater ease of mobility, increased market opportunities, and improved continuity of care for clients who move to a different state than their counselor but want to continue counseling services. Counseling Compact information, and an interactive map of participating states, is available at

If a MAC student chooses to reclassify to a different degree requiring BE/ST/PM courses for 3-hours (ex. MACO), students are required to complete 1-hour independent studies for each 2-hour course. Students will work with their academic advisor, and the appropriate academic department, to determine which courses need to be taken and the appropriate timeline for completing the necessary 1-hour independent studies.


To reclassify, students will submit a reclassification application and pay a $75 reclassification fee. All reclassification requests are reviewed by the Admissions Committee and may require additional materials.

Licensure Webinar with Dr. Woody, 2022


The following are degree worksheets specific to students who entered the MABC/MAC or reclassified to the MABC/MAC in the following academic years. If students have questions about their specific degree requirements or degree audit, students should contact their academic advisor.

Master’s level students keep their current Logos Bible Software package. Future Logos updates or upgrades are the responsibility of each person and not done through DTS.

DTS graduates have three options for further training:

  1. Self-paced learning through Online Videos – All online courses and lectures are available for graduates to access through the Alumni portal. No application is required.
  2. Alumni nondegree – Graduates may take additional DTS courses as a nondegree student, either for audit or credit at a reduced rate. If students take courses for Alumni nondegree credit and want to use the course(s) toward another Master’s degree, then the student will need to pay the difference of tuition between the Alumni rate and current tuition rate.
  3. Pursue an additional DTS degree – Graduates may return to DTS to pursue a second Master’s degree or a Doctoral degree. Graduates must reapply through Admissions and previous DTS credits are reevaluated and remaining requirements are evaluated upon readmission. Doctoral degrees may require additional Master’s level work.

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