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Disability Services

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Dallas Theological Seminary works to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations to students with medical, physical, psychological, and learning disabilities. Students desiring or needing accommodations on the basis of such disabilities or of medical incidents such as hospitalization or severe injury are to email Disability Services at

If you are aware of a condition that may impact your studies, please contact Disability Services ( before the semester begins or at the onset of a crisis in order to have all relevant documentation on file for the semester. 

Please note:

  • Accommodations are not retroactive, and
  • New accommodation request forms are required for each class each semester, and should be submitted prior to the class starting.

While accommodations cannot fundamentally change the major aspects of core requirements of courses or your program, they can aid you in successfully completing your work.

Reasonable Accommodation

In accord with Section 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the seminary will make reasonable accommodation to ensure equal opportunity and access for qualified students to applicable programs, services, activities, and facilities.

After acceptance and prior to entering classes, a student with a disability must submit written requests for modifications or auxiliary aids to Disability Services ( Documentation of disability may be required in order to receive appropriate modifications. Requests for auxiliary aids should be made at least one month prior to the beginning of the semester. Dallas Theological Seminary does its best to honor these requests but cannot guarantee that they will be met. The department responsible for the services requested will coordinate with the appropriate seminary personnel and/or federal or state agency to provide the student with maximal assistance.

In light of the accommodations granted, students are responsible to work with individual professors at the beginning and throughout the semester. If additional time beyond the end of the semester will be needed, the student must file a Credits Committee petition requesting an extension. This must be filed before the semester ends. Dallas Theological Seminary is unable to grant retroactive accommodations once the semester is completed.

The seminary will not make substantial adjustments in existing programs beyond those necessary to eliminate discrimination against otherwise qualified students, and will not modify existing programs to the extent it places an undue financial or administrative burden on the seminary. The seminary assumes no responsibility for personal-care attendants, health-care providers, personal devices, individually-prescribed devices, readers for personal use or study, or private tutors.


  • Seating near the front of the classroom
  • Large print exams, handouts, signs, equipment/material labels
  • Contrast-enhanced printed materials
  • Electronic format for syllabi, assignments, readings, resources
  • Verbal or audio descriptions of visuals and videos
  • Sign language interpreter
  • Seating near the instructor/speaker with an unobstructed view of the speaker’s face
  • Alternate location for testing that has reduced auditory and visual distraction
  • Visual aids and written supplements to spoken instructions
  • Written assignments, lab instructions, summaries, notes
  • Use of email for class and private discussions
  • Captioned films
  • Extended time on exams and assignments
  • Alternative testing arrangements/locations
  • Instructions provided in multiple formats, including visual and aural
  • Concise oral instructions, clear written instructions and well organized visual aids
  • Classrooms, labs and field trips in accessible locations, using accessible transportation
  • Computer with speech input, voice output and alternative keyboard
  • Wheelchair-friendly furniture and room arrangement (e.g., adjustable tables, space for a wheelchair, lab equipment located within reach)
  • Use of ramps and raised platforms for student’s access
  • Class materials available in electronic format
  • Extended time for completion of activities
  • Alternative assignments for oral presentations (e.g., written assignments, one-to-one presentation)
  • Course substitutions
  • Flexibility with in-class discussions (e.g., consider online discussion boards)
  • Flexible attendance requirements
  • Extra exam time and allowances for breaks
  • Assignments made available in electronic format
  • Use of email to facilitate communication

Applying for Reasonable Accommodation

Specific accommodations provided are discussed and determined on a case-by-case basis only after acceptance as a Dallas Theological Seminary student.

Student collects the appropriate documentation (see Documentation Forms) from an licensed physician whose certification pertains to the disability. All documentation must be less than three years old.

Documentation Forms

Learning Disability

Physical Disability

Psychological Disability (including ADD/ADHD)

Student schedules an interview with Disability Services to discuss:

    1. Specific barriers to learning;
    2. Opportunities and resources to enhance learning; and
    3. Accommodations Dallas Theological Seminary can make to facilitate learning. 

Schedule an Interview

Student submits accommodation request forms to Disability Services ( in a timely manner for each course taken each semester.

    1. All regular accommodations should be requested before the semester begins.
    2. Some accommodations (electronic books, interpreters, etc…) require at least a month’s notice.
    3. No accommodations will be granted retroactively.

Accommodation Request

Disability Services submits the Official Request for Accommodation form to the professor(s).

Student works closely with Disability Services to adjust accommodations, if necessary.

Student follows recommendations by physicians or therapists to maximize health and learning.

Additional Resources

What can students do to minimize barriers to learning? The list below is not exhaustive. Where a link to a particular resource is provided, this is an example and not a product endorsement by Dallas Theological Seminary.

If you know of other sources, let us know, so we can add them to the list!

Study Tips

  • How many hours you can juggle in light of life circumstances?
  • What combination of courses will best help you succeed?
  • What type of assignments best enable you to demonstrate what you’ve learned?
  • Will online or on campus courses best help you learn?
  • Identify the best times and places for you to read, write, and study and create a regular schedule.
  • Avoid courses where all of the work is due at the end if you procrastinate.
  • Observe dietary and sleep needs.

Useful Links

Medical Emergencies

Sometimes major accidents occur or major health issues arise during the course of a semester. If this happens to you, please reach out (or have a spouse or close friend, if you cannot) to Disability Services ( in order to alert Dallas Theological Seminary to the issue. Disability Services will contact professors and let them know of your absence. Then, as soon as possible, obtain an official notice from the doctor (on paper that includes the person’s name, title, place of work). The notice should include initial date of the issue and date the person projects a return to study (or a follow up appointment for clearance), as well as the impact this will have on your studies. The physician can email the notice to Disability Services (

When your situation permits, you will have a consultation (typically over the phone) with Disability Services to discuss the best route forward with your courses. You will need to provide a list of your classes and where you are in the completion of your work. Professors will then be notified of any accommodations granted.

If you would like to speak with the campus pastor, please email or call 214-887-5363.

Service & Emotional Support Animals

Dallas Theological Seminary strives to ensure that individuals with disabilities who use service and support animals can receive the benefit of the tasks these animals provide or the therapeutic support they offer in accordance with the requirements of federal law and local laws.

Everyone with a service or an emotional support animal must carefully read, fill out, and submit the Service and Emotional Support Animal Guidelines (every year). 

Those living in Dallas Theological Seminary housing must fill out the DTS Emotional Support Animal Accommodation Request (once) and the Vaccination and Health Information (every year).

Animals cannot move into an on-campus apartment until the above forms are approved by the Director of Housing

Submit forms to the Housing Office