Emergency Protocols


Smoke Detectors 

Smoke detectors are installed in every apartment. For the protection of all residents, smoke detectors are not to be disconnected or disabled in any way unless a malfunction occurs during the night hours in which case the battery may be removed only from the malfunctioning device. A maintenance request must be placed the next day so the smoke detector battery can be replaced.

Fire Alarms 

In the event of a Smoke Alarm (isolated to an individual apartment): 

  1. In the event too much smoke is produced while cooking in the resident’s apartment, the smoke alarm that is isolated to the individual apartment will sound. 

  2. DO NOT open the apartment door to let smoke out. This will trigger the fire alarm for the entire floor. Instead, open up windows to let smoke clear the apartment. 

  3. Breaching this protocol will result in a fine. Habitual offenders of the above policies may receive a Letter of Eviction due to violation concerning the rights of others. 

In the event of a Hallway/Building Fire Alarm: 

  1. Exit the building using the nearest stairwell. Do not use the elevators. 

  2. Once outside the building, residents should go the DTS lawn across the street from Washington Apartments or Swindoll Tower. 

  3. All residents should organize by floor in an orderly fashion (1st floor through 7th/10th floor, left to right). 

  4. Remain on DTS lawn until instructed by DTS Campus Police or the Dallas Fire Department that it is safe for residents to return to the building. Residents must wait for instruction even if the alarm has turned off. 

  5. During inclement weather, residents should proceed to the awning of Turpin Library. 

  6. Treat every alarm seriously. 

How Fire Alarms Work in High Rise Buildings: 

  1. When the public area smoke detectors are triggered by smoke, the alarm will sound on the floor where the smoke is detected along with the floor above and below that floor. 

  2. No other floors will sound the alarm unless smoke spreads to a floor above or below. 

  3. Residents are not required to evacuate if the alarms on floor do not sound. 

  4. It is possible for all floors to go into alarm. 

Pulling a Fire Alarm in a Non-Emergency is a Tier 5 violation (see Lease Section 5.1) and will incur fees.


Adhering to the Dallas Fire Code

Annual apartment inspections are conducted by the City of Dallas Fire Marshal. Tenants are liable for violations to the City of Dallas Fire Code and should especially note the following: 

  1. Candles may be used only in shared apartment common areas, not bedrooms or community spaces. They should be kept on solid surfaces and away from drapes or other flammable materials. Birthday candles are permitted for celebratory occasions. 

  2. All personal items must be at least 18 inches from sprinkler heads. Lofts or bunk beds must be placed on the opposite side of the bedroom from the sprinkler head. 

  3. Common areas, hallways, stairways, and laundry areas should be kept clear of debris and clutter. Do not use these areas for personal storage at any time. Items found in common spaces may be confiscated or disposed of by the Landlord or the Landlord’s agent(s). Landlord will record violations of this policy by adding a fee to the Tenant’s online portal with a photo and a description of the prohibited item. 

Therefore, decorations outside of a resident’s apartment are limited to the “porch” of the resident’s apartment. 

  1. In Washington Apartments, the porch is the grey carpeted area directly outside the entry door to the apartment 

  2. In Swindoll Tower, the porch is the inlet directly outside the entry door. Two-bedroom apartments do not have a porch, but may hang décor on the wall adjacent to their entry door up to two feet on either side.


In the event of a tornado sighting, or when tornado sirens within the DTS neighborhood sound, follow these procedures: 

  1. Remain indoors. Do not go outside in an effort to see the tornado. 

  2. Where to shelter in place: 

    1. Swindoll Tower: the hallway of one of the four bottom floors 

    2. Washington Apartments: the 3rd floor clubhouse, or the 4th floor gym 

  3. Leave all apartment entry doors closed. 

  4. If the storm hits before residents can get to the hallway, close the door of the bathroom, get into the bathtub, and cover residents with a mattress or other heavy cushion. 

  5. Stay completely away from windows and glass. 

  6. Lay on the floor, covering head with arms and hands. 

  7. If a tornado hits, do not leave the building until word is given by the proper officials. 

Active Shooter

In the event of an active shooter on-campus, residents are encouraged to run, hide and/or fight. If it is possible to evacuate a building safely, do so. Leave all belongings behind and call 911 when it is safe to do so. If it is not possible to evacuate safely, shelter in place by hiding in an apartment, office, classroom, or restroom and locking the doors. If there is no door lock, try to barricade the door and hide behind large objects. Turn off all lights, silence all phones and remain quiet.

If a resident finds their life is at risk, the resident must use all necessary force to try and incapacitate the shooter. Commit to all actions and use improvised weapons.

Residents should plan ahead by imagining what they would do if there was an active shooter on campus. Consider the following: 

  1. Check the locks on doors used every day and know how they work. 

  2. Know all of the stairwells and exit points in frequented buildings. 

  3. Discuss the issue with others in the office or classroom. 

  4. Download the seminary’s Crisis Manager App for these and other safety procedures. Watch the “Run. Hide. Fight. Surviving an Active Shooter Event” video. 

DTS Weapons Policy

DTS prohibits the possession and use of firearms and other potential weapons (e.g. knives, clubs, swords, spears, axes, arrows) on or in its property. This prohibition includes any devices that might reasonably be mistaken for a firearm or other weapon and applies to the Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, and Washington DC locations as well as all DTS owned or leased classrooms, offices, residential areas, and/or library spaces used by DTS for lodging and educational purposes.

Some states, including the state of Texas, allow a license holder to carry a concealed handgun on property or in buildings owned or leased by an institution of higher education. However, as a private institution, the seminary is allowed to and has opted out of this provision. Firearms are prohibited in any DTS owned building or site where DTS classes are held or services provided and are prohibited in DTS vehicles only. In states where it is legal, license holders may keep firearms in their vehicles while parked on campus or at an extension site. Exceptions to this policy must be authorized in advance and in writing by the administration. A confidential request for exception is available by sending an email to the DTS chief of police at jbloom@dts.edu.

DTS also strictly prohibits the declaration, display, or inadvertent disclosure of a firearm by a license holder. The open carry of a firearm on the premises, on any public or private driveway, street, walkway, or parking area of any institution of higher education is prohibited by Texas and other states’ laws.

Furthermore, DTS weapons policy prohibits the display of other weapons, or imitations thereof, or bladed instruments with blades longer than 5.5 inches unless in an enclosed, secured display case that precludes the ready access to the weapon. According to Texas House Bill 1935 (2017) and Texas Penal Code 46, DTS is “location restricted” to include its owned or leased residential areas and prohibits carrying knives with blades longer than 5.5 inches. Knives are considered weapons as are any bladed hand instrument capable of inflicting severe bodily injury or death by cutting or stabbing a person with the instrument. The 5.5-inch measurement includes the length of the flat-edged part of the knife, up to but not including the handle. Types of knives include throwing stars (and any other type of throwing knife), swords, spears, switchblade knives, pocketknives, and Balisongs (butterfly knives). Moreover, blades under 5.5 inches are expected to be stored responsibly and in a non-threaten manner. NB: DTS exempts cutlery stored in the residential kitchens for culinary purposes.

Violations of the DTS Weapons Policy is a serious offense and will be referred to both internal administrative and external police authorities.